Understand ANZSCO Codes for Successful Skilled Migration

Discover the Benefits of ANZSCO Occupation Lists for Your Skilled Migration Journey


ANZSCO stands for the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations. It is a system used to classify and organize occupations in Australia and New Zealand for statistical and research purposes. These codes are four-digit numbers assigned to every occupation recognized by the system. Each code represents a unique occupation, and occupations are grouped into categories based on their skill level, education requirements, and other factors.

ANZSCO codes are used by the Australian and New Zealand governments for various purposes, including immigration and employment policies. They are also used by businesses and organizations to help identify and classify job roles and qualifications.

Engineering Field ANZSCO Code
Engineering Manager
Chemical Engineer
Materials Engineer
Civil Engineer
Geotechnical Engineer
Structural Engineer
Transport Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Electronics Engineer
Industrial Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Plant or Production Engineer
Mining Engineer (excluding petroleum)
Petroleum Engineer
Aeronautical Engineer
Agricultural Engineer
Biomedical Engineer
Engineering Technologist
Environmental Engineer
Engineering Professionals (nec)
Computer Network and Systems Engineer
Telecommunications Engineer
Telecommunications Network Engineer
Civil Engineering Draftsperson
Civil Engineering Technician
Electrical Engineering Draftsperson
Electrical Engineering Technician
Telecommunications Field Engineer

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Knowing The Right ANZSCO Code

It is important to know the right ANZSCO code for a few reasons:


Visa and Immigration

ANZSCO codes are used by the Australian and New Zealand governments as a part of their visa and immigration programs. To be eligible for certain visas or immigration programs, you need to have work experience in an occupation that is listed on the relevant ANZSCO occupation list. If you do not use the correct ANZSCO code to describe your occupation, it may impact your eligibility for a particular visa or immigration program.


Employment and Skilled Migration

ANZSCO codes are also used by employers to identify the skills and qualifications required for a particular job. By knowing the correct ANZSCO code for your occupation, you can better target your job search and increase your chances of finding employment. Additionally, if you are interested in applying for skilled migration programs, knowing the right ANZSCO code can help you determine whether your occupation is on the relevant occupation list.


Data and Research

ANZSCO codes are used by government agencies and researchers to gather data on employment and industry trends. Accurate ANZSCO coding ensures that data is consistent and can be used to make informed decisions and policies.

ANZSCO Code and Skill Assessment

ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) codes play a crucial role in the skill assessment process for migrants looking to work in Australia or New Zealand. The ANZSCO code is a classification system that assigns a unique code to every occupation based on the type of work, qualifications, and experience required for that occupation.

During the skill assessment process, an applicant’s education, work experience, and skills are evaluated against the requirements of their nominated occupation, which is identified by its ANZSCO code. This evaluation helps to determine whether the applicant has the necessary skills and qualifications to work in their chosen occupation in Australia or New Zealand.

The ANZSCO code also plays a role in determining the visa subclass for which an applicant is eligible. Each visa subclass has a list of eligible occupations, which are identified by their ANZSCO codes. To be eligible for a visa, an applicant must nominate an occupation on the relevant occupation list and meet the skills assessment requirements for that occupation. The ANZSCO code is also used by employers, recruiters, and government agencies to identify and classify occupations, which helps to ensure consistency and accuracy in the labor market.

How Can We Help You?

Knowing the right ANZSCO code is important for visa and immigration purposes, targeting your job search, and ensuring accurate data and research. We at Skill Assessment Australia can help you choose the right ANZSCO Code and provide a range of services like CDR report writing, career episodes, summary statement, ACS RPL Report, and more with the best price and package.